General InformationAll our student accommodation comes fully furnished, is maintained to a high standard and complies with current legislation (gas, electrical, fire, furniture regulations etc). Every house has full gas central heating, loft insulation and many have double glazing. The amenities provided vary according to the number of students being accommodated but all houses have at least one or two showers as well as a bath. Nearly all have 2 toilets & many rooms also have hand washbasins. Kitchens are particularly well equipped: all houses are provided with at least one freezer, washing machine, tumble dryer and a microwave. Most also have a dishwasher. Most of our student housing has T.V., telephone and hardwired broadband points in each bedroom. All are located in good residential areas of York, have window locks and full burglar alarm systems. All gardens are maintained by the landlord. Two of our houses |
© 2005 A1 Student Accommodation in Bush Farm, Hull Rd, Wilberfoss, York. YO41 5NT Tel: 01759 388388 |